Thursday, September 15, 2011

Land Rover 6x6 Parakeet

Students of Tactical Communications (TACTCOMMS) course 0039 swarm over and around a Landrover 6x6 'Parakeet' in an effort to transform it into a Tactical Air Command Post (TACP) as quickly as possible. After spending three weeks training at RAAF Richmond's No. 1 Combat Communication Squadron (1CCS), students of TACTCOMMS course 0039 deployed to the Singleton Training Area in New South Wales to consolidate their knowledge in a tactical field environment. Having travelled from RAAF bases all over Australia to participate in the course, the students were kitted out with their packs, webbing and F88 Steyrs before disappearing into the bush to set up and operate a TACP and smaller satellite radio communication posts known as 'Step Ups'. (Photo: Australia DoD)

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